24 Following


Royal Wedding Disaster

Royal Wedding Disaster - Meg Cabot Another cute addition to this story.

A Breath of Snow and Ashes

A Breath of Snow and Ashes  - Diana Gabaldon Book 5 was very hard to get through but this brought back my love for Jamie, Claire, Brianna, and Roger. There was a lot of action in this novel and I felt like the pacing never rested. I can't wait to read the next one.


Heartless - Marissa Meyer I was very disappointed with this book. Marissa Meyer did an amazing job with TLC, but I felt like this book fell short. I was disappointed with the lack of strength in the main character and how it all revolved around her falling in love with someone she didn't know. Granted, this did happen in TLC, but I felt like the TLC was over a span of a year or more whereas this book seemed to be over a week or two.

I would not recommend this book unfortunately. :(

After You

After You - Jojo Moyes I really enjoyed this book. Lou is finally growing as a person. I doubt there will be a #3 but I would love to see Lou take on New York and how her new relationship blossoms.

Cruel Crown

Cruel Crown - Victoria Aveyard I really disliked the second half of the book because of the communication between the military. It was annoying and hard to read. I read Red Queen in a day and it too me almost a month to read this little book. :(


Remembrance - Meg Cabot I'm really hoping that was not the final book ever. I could read about Jesse and Suze forever. Overall, it was a great book.

I'm a little frustrated that Suze has not learned from the past though. She consistently lies and hides things from Jesse. Then she interprets him being hurt as him being angry. She's honestly stupid in that aspect. I want a book where she sees Jesse as her partner and not someone that she always needs to protect.
I loved this book but I felt like some parts of the ending were too perfect. Overall it was a great ending.


Twilight - Meg Cabot I love this book and series. This book has a perfect story line. I especially love the end.


Fairest - Marissa Meyer I really enjoyed this book but I wanted a little more. I wanted to know why Winter is crazy.


Cress - Marissa Meyer I loved this one. I thought the character development was great. I'm excited to see more of Cinder's power in the next book.


Cinder - Marissa Meyer I could not put this book down. I loved it!
It's been awhile since a book has made me cry.

Uglies: Shay's Story

Uglies: Shay's Story - Scott Westerfeld, Devin Grayson, Steven Cummings This book gave a little into what Shay felt before she met Tally. It also explains a little on how David trained the Crims before they escaped. It filled in some gaps but not too much.


Extras - Scott Westerfeld This book was really exciting. I liked how it showed where the world wound up


Abandon - Meg Cabot This book was pretty slow but the last few chapters picked up quickly. I'm hoping this book was just getting us ready for book 2.

Catching Fire

Catching Fire - Suzanne  Collins DO NOT READ THE LAST LINE OF THE BOOK IF YOU USUALLY DO!!!! I was pretty shocked through most of this book. It was well worth the read.